A Split-Face Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Autologous Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin With Microneedling Against Microneedling With Normal Saline (Placebo Control) in Atrophic Acne Scars

Krishnegowda, Ranjitha MBBS, MD*; Pradhan, Shekhar N. MBBS, MD; Belgaumkar, Vasudha A. MBBS, MD

Author Information
Dermatologic Surgery ():10.1097/DSS.0000000000003893, August 10, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003893



Acne scars cause significant psychosocial stress. Despite a wide armamentarium, there is a constant search for an effective modality. Autologous injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) is a promising novel option in the management of atrophic scars.


To compare efficacy of autologous i-PRF with microneedling against microneedling alone in atrophic acne scars.


A split-face prospective interventional study was conducted on 40 patients with atrophic acne scars. Autologous i-PRF and normal saline were injected into each scar on right (study) and left (control) sides, respectively, followed by microneedling on both sides. Four sessions were performed at monthly intervals with follow-up at 2 months. For assessment, Goodman and Baron (GB) scale, physician subjective score, and patient satisfaction scores were used.


Mean baseline GB grade on each side was 3.45. At 24 weeks, mean GB grade was significantly reduced on the study side (1.47, SD 0.56) than control side (3.33, SD 0.53). Mean patient satisfaction score was significantly higher on the right side (5.95) compared with the left side (5.35). Rolling scars responded the best followed by boxcar and ice-pick scars.


Autologous i-PRF and microneedling act synergistically to improve acne scars.

© 2023 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.