Discover how PulseWave can be utilized for erectile dysfunction, orthopedic and aesthetic use.
Uncover the multiple uses of PulseWave for enhancing sexual wellness, addressing orthopedic needs, and achieving body shaping goals.
Discover how you can control the automatic application of topical serums with the FDA-Cleared Nanopen®Pro™.
Experience the revitalizing power of nature with ASCELLOS™, our innovative skincare solution derived from natural resources.
Learn more about how the FDA Approved Centrepid™ Plasma Collection Kit can benefit your practice.
Discover how our centrifuge is compact and produces effective results for PRP and other materials.
Find out how our pump device can enhance sexual performance without the need for drugs or surgery.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you train your staff and help market these new products.
Experience the future of medical imaging with the LK128 Portable Ultrasound Scanner. Waterproof, lightweight, wireless, durable and most importantly, accurate.